DRAWING ROOM Opening - Save the Date! →
PV: Thursday 21 September 2023
Drawing Room's Directors, Board and Team invite you to join them to celebrate the opening of their new building and inaugural exhibitions:
UNBUILD: a site of possibility
Jessie Brennan | Ian Kiaer | Tanoa Sasraku | Emily Speed | Do Ho Suh
Drawing in Social Space
Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London | Mujeres Creando | Gluklya | Hassan Issah | University of Nevada Reno | Noureddine Ezarraf
Thursday 21 September, time tbc
Drawing Room/Tannery Arts
New Tannery Way, Bermondsey, SE1 5WS
BBC Radio 4 Front Row
I'd like to invite you to listen to BBC Radio 4 Front Row (Thursday 18 February, 19:15-45), as I am on the programme. If you didn’t catch it live you can listen again via the BBC Sounds app. I have contributed a brief segment, as part of 'Front Row Get Creative' which encourages audiences to try an activity inspired by an artist. I devised a 'blind drawing' activity in response to Covid-19, in order to restore intimacy with one another - even while at a physical distance.
Watch a short video on the Front Row website.
If you feel called to explore this activity I'd love to see your drawings, so please do share them online via social media if you feel comfortable doing so. The hashtag is #FrontRowGetCreative.
Soundcamp 2019
4 - 5 May 2019
The 6th Soundcamp will take place over the International Dawn Chorus Day weekend of 4 to 5 May 2019.
Please hold the date.
Soundcamps at Stave Hill Ecological Park in London and sites around the world welcome campers, visitors, volunteers, broadcasters, listeners and streamers to share live sounds at daybreak.
The London Soundcamp will feature:
• The Tent That Can Hear recalls soundings by Platform artists at Greenland Dock in the Summer of 1989. What has changed?
• Vision by Jessie Brennan reveals how the ecology park's seemingly natural landscapes have been made, while Sounds Interrupted transplants its sounds from the Rotherhithe peninsula to London Bridge station.
• Through the weekend Reveil 6 will make a 24 hour loop of the earth at sunrise, relaying live sounds from a global network of soundcamps and streamers.
For more information explore the Soundcamp 2019 London programme
We are happy to acknowledge support for this event from:
Arts Council England, Southwark Neighbourhoods Fund, North Southwark Environment Trust, Friends of Stave Hill, University of Gloucestershire, Private supporters
Soundcamp is a not for profit arts collective. We welcome contributions large or small to support Soundcamp Reveil in 2019. Donate to Soundcamp.
Image: Exp 8 View from pot 2.5s 144* at 08.33, Sunday 4 May 2014, Soundcamp, Stave Hill Ecological Park, London 2 May 2015. Pinhole Zero 612b Kodak 100Tmax by Ky Lewis.
Aesthetics of Gentrification, International Conference
5-6 April 2019
Keynote Speakers:
Ayona Datta (Reader in Urban Futures, King’s College London)
Pheng Cheah (Professor of Rhetoric and Geography, University of California, Berkeley)
Download the program here.
Christoph Lindner
Raechel Root
Gerardo Sandoval
Royal Docks commission
UP Projects has commissioned London-based artist Jessie Brennan to develop four new, temporary public artworks in the Royal Docks, Newham.
The Ruskin Prize 2019 - Selector
For The John Ruskin Prize 2019, artists Barbara Walker MBE, Hew Locke and Jessie Brennan are announced as selectors of multidisciplinary prize which forms part of the Ruskin200 celebrations marking the bicentenary of John Ruskin's birth.
Further information: AN
Contested Territories Group
A print portfolio project devised by the Created and Contested Territories research group at Norwich University of the Arts.
Image credit: NUA and Mike Hemsley
26 April - 4 May 2019
Symposium: Saturday 27 April, 10am - 6pm
‘Territory’ variously draws attention to power differentials, difference and dis/advantage made manifest by class, geopolitical or aesthetic conflicts.
With Neil Bousfield, Matthew Benington, Jessie Brennan, Desmon Brett, Doug Fishbone, Iuliana-Elena Gavril, Robert Hillier, Jade Montserrat and Dawn Brooks, Lynda Morris, Neil Powell, Carl Rowe, Karsten Schubert, Carly Sharples, Ross Sinclair, Magda Stawarska-Beavan, Milly Thompson, Paul Vousden.
CLB Berlin im Aufbau Haus
Prinzenstraße 84.2
10969 Deutschland
Jessie Brennan WE ARE HERE (2018)
A new limited edition print available exclusively from the South London Gallery, presented by Allied Editions (B20) at Frieze London.
Part of YOUR WORDS project commissioned by the South London Gallery (SLG) for Open Plan.
A poster publication is also available from SLG.
Commissioned by South London Gallery
Jessie Brennan We Are Here (2018), text installation (situated on the roof of Heron House), Pelican Estate
In spring 2017, the South London Gallery (SLG) invited Jessie Brennan to collaborate with residents of Pelican Estate on a project titled YOUR WORDS. Jessie spent time listening to residents whose experiences, in different ways, celebrate the value of public housing and speak to the broader challenges often faced by those on council estates: the stigmatisation of social housing tenants; the lack of maintenance and ‘managed decline’ by councils; the threat of demolition and redevelopment by policies that value private ownership over state-funded homes.
To mark the end of the project, WE ARE HERE has been created: a text installation on the roof of Heron House and a poster publication distributed back to residents, which documents some of the conversations, contributions and research developed over the course of the project. Read Jessie’s introductory text and some of the conversations between Jessie and Pelican residents, here.
YOUR WORDS is part of Open Plan, a long-term public art and education project which invites international and British artists to create artworks with and for the SLG’s close neighbours on Elmington, Pelican and Sceaux Gardens housing estates, along with a programme of events at the gallery.
Recent press: The Art Newspaper; AN
RC21 Conference, Leeds
Tuesday 12 September, 11:15-13:00, LHR1, University of Leeds
Jessie Brennan will present 'The Enabling Power', her paper on the regeneration of social housing estate Robin Hood Gardens, at RC21 Conference in Leeds. The panel is convened by Dr Debbie Humphry (Kingston University) and Dr Ben Gidley (Birkbeck, University of London), titled: 'Visualising the Fight for Home and Security: Revealing Injustice and Making Change'.
Grenfell Tower: Benefit Auction
'Art advisor Lucy Meakin collaborates with leading British contemporary artists and Artsy on an online auction to raise funds for the victims of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in west London.
The UK's top artists have come together to donate works to an online auction to benefit the people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, from July 18 - August 1 2017 on Artsy.
Artists who have donated to the auction include: Charles Avery , Simon Periton, Ian Davenport, Michael Craig-Martin, Adam Fuss, Cornelia Parker, Peter Liversidge, Dexter Dalwood, David Batchelor, The Chapman Brothers, Tracey Emin, Maryam Eisler, Ryan Mosley, Dave White, Juergen Teller, Paul Morrison, Richard Deacon, Ann-Marie James, Fiona Banner, Mona Hatoum, Robert Violette, Gavin Turk, David Austen, Jessie Brennan and Darren Almond.'
Press: FT, The Art Newspaper
Re: development reviewed in Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography
Read the extended review of Jessie Brennan's Re: development: Voices, Cyanotypes & Writings from The Green Backyard, by Matthew Thompson (Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice, University of Liverpool).
“This is a unique book. […] [Brennan’s] pointedly political redeployment of the cyanotype method here turns blueprint planning on its head – an artistic device that brings to light what too often falls through the cracks between the lines drawn by planning professionals. […] Despite its charged political subject matter, there is a deeply sensory aspect to the book, evoking the hands-on quality of life in the Green Backyard, which asks to be touched and handled like a vegetable freshly pulled from the earth. […]
This collection is the most effective articulation I’ve yet come across that captures these tensions; that expresses in outward language the difficulty of balancing the demands of inward and upward in building social and solidarity economies. […] The real value of Re:development, then, is the gift it gives, not just to the casual reader, in expressing a more meaningful reality, but to the movement contesting the absurd state we’re in – by demonstrating the value of combining inward, outward and upward languages, and convincing the gatekeepers of this unsustainable political settlement that real value resides in other things, in people over products, in narratives over numbers.”
Order a copy of Re: development
Re:development: Voices, Cyanotypes & Writings from The Green Backyard
Silent Grid, 2016

Re:development brings together voices, cyanotypes and writings from The Green Backyard, a ‘community growing project’ in Peterborough that, for years, was threatened with a proposed development. The book, a culmination of Jessie Brennan's year-long residency hosted by arts organisation Metal, brings together artwork and 10 essay contributions exploring the politics of land use and value. It is an attempt to explore in The Green Backyard one of Britain’s most contested territories: land ownership, and its radical political shift from communal to private.
Contributing authors include: Sophie Antonelli (activist; co-founder of The Green Backyard); Dr. Alexandre Apsan Frediani (researcher of development practice; Lecturer at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL); Dr. Robert Biel (carpenter-historian; Senior Lecturer at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL); Dougald Hine (writer and social thinker; co-founder of Dark Mountain); Prof. Jane Holder (Professor of Environmental Law, UCL); Anna Minton (writer; Co-Director of UEL’s MRes course, Reading the Neoliberal City); Dr. Barbara Penner (architectural historian; Senior Lecturer at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL); Prof. Jane Rendell (artist-writer; Professor of Architecture and Art, and Director of History and Theory at the Bartlett School of Architecture); Prof. Ben Rogaly (geographer; Professor of Geography, University of Sussex); and Dr. Maria Walsh (writer and art critic; Reader in Artists’ Moving Image at Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London).
Available from bookshops, and order online:
Tate Modern
Whitechapel Gallery
South London Gallery
dalla Rosa Gallery
Press, reviews and mentions of Re:development and related project:
See also Re: development - Inside The Green Backyard, a collaborative networked exhibition.
Voicing Experience: The 4th British Conference of Autoethnography
Department of Sociology, University of Sussex
15-16 June 2017
Jessie Brennan will present her project Re:development at the conference, about The Green Backyard.
Further details about the conference, including programme, registration and fees, can be found here.
Concrete Utopias: Metaphor and Material
Friday 12 May 2017, 10 am - 4 pm
Speakers include music writer Mark Goodall, artist Jessie Brennan, poet Chris McCabe, sociologist Kirsteen Paton, photographer Chris Leslie, and Florian Urban, Head of Architectural History and Urban Studies at Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art. The programme is organised in collaboration with University of Liverpool and Bluecoat’s Sociologist in Residence, Paul Jones.
Free, booking required.
Sound of Memory Symposium: Sound-track / Sound-scape
Whitechapel Gallery
23 April 2017, 11.30 am - 6.00 pm, Zilkha Auditorium
Sound of Memory Symposium: Sound-track / Sound-scape is organised by The Sound-Image-Space Research Centre, School of Music and Fine Art, University of Kent and the Unit for Sound Practice Research (SPR; Goldsmiths, University of London).
Participants include Gareth Evans, Sarah Turner, Aki Pasoulas, John Drever, Hildegard Westerkamp, Matt Parker, Sarah Turner, Jessie Brennan, William Locryn Finch, Ester Johnson, Tim Meacham and Francesco Bergamo.
Re: development - Inside The Green Backyard
Carroll/Fletcher Onscreen
28 March - 1 May 2017
Jessie Brennan and ten collaborating organisations host an online exhibition celebrating the success of The Green Backyard’s resistance to a proposed redevelopment.
BOM | Carroll/Fletcher Onscreen | CGP London | Furtherfield | Jessie Brennan | Land for What? | Metal Peterborough | Shared Assets | South London Gallery | The Green Backyard | The NewBridge Project
Beyond Words conference 2017
Plymouth University
14-15 March 2107
Jessie Brennan (artist) and Sophie Antonelli (co-founder of The Green Backyard) will present The Green Backyard at Plymouth University's international conference programme "Beyond Words".
Location: Room 605, Rolle Building, Plymouth University
Re:development: Voices, Cyanotypes & Writings from The Green Backyard
Dhaba, University of Sussex
3 March – 27 July 2017
A display for the Dhaba, which presents Jessie's newly authored book Re:development. Further information about the exhibition can be found at the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex.